Si j'etais un peu pas mal pro-élections les dernières jours, voici pourquoi:
PLC 35
BQ 31
NPD 17
samedi 20 juin 2009
vendredi 19 juin 2009
Following the National last night
Under appreciated politician:
Jean Charest - no premier in QC has won a 3rd mandate in I don't know how long, and he did it. He has his ups and downs, but in general has done a fine job. The question on everyone's mind - will he stay or will he go?
Over appreciated politician:
Stephen Harper - We have lived in fear of Harper for 3 years now - "master tactician", "hyper-genius", "man of strategy." I think it is all a sham, though we have yet to fully expose the emperor with no clothes.
Over exploited news story:
Dhalla? Raitt? Too much personal, not enough professional - Cons and Libs deserve what they get from over-focusing on both.
Under exploited news story
Maple 1 and 2 work.
Best political play:
Ignatieff coming to power. Has done wonders for the Quebec wing of the party. We have membership numbers not seen since the early 2000s. We have polling numbers not seen since the early 2000s. We have fundraising numbers not seen since the early 2000s. Feels like the start of the new millennium all over...
Worst political play: started with that stupid truck driving around Quebec during the fall election denouncing the Bloc as a $350 million waste of money. Harper's spite for the Bloc just denigrated during the coalition crisis. His disdain for those who vote Bloc is just wrong, and has cost him any future in this province.
Election?: Called September 29-30 with E-Day Nov. 9 or 16. Preferably 9, as everyone will already be voting municipally here in Quebec - why not kill two birds with one stone?
Jean Charest - no premier in QC has won a 3rd mandate in I don't know how long, and he did it. He has his ups and downs, but in general has done a fine job. The question on everyone's mind - will he stay or will he go?
Over appreciated politician:
Stephen Harper - We have lived in fear of Harper for 3 years now - "master tactician", "hyper-genius", "man of strategy." I think it is all a sham, though we have yet to fully expose the emperor with no clothes.
Over exploited news story:
Dhalla? Raitt? Too much personal, not enough professional - Cons and Libs deserve what they get from over-focusing on both.
Under exploited news story
Maple 1 and 2 work.
Best political play:
Ignatieff coming to power. Has done wonders for the Quebec wing of the party. We have membership numbers not seen since the early 2000s. We have polling numbers not seen since the early 2000s. We have fundraising numbers not seen since the early 2000s. Feels like the start of the new millennium all over...
Worst political play: started with that stupid truck driving around Quebec during the fall election denouncing the Bloc as a $350 million waste of money. Harper's spite for the Bloc just denigrated during the coalition crisis. His disdain for those who vote Bloc is just wrong, and has cost him any future in this province.
Election?: Called September 29-30 with E-Day Nov. 9 or 16. Preferably 9, as everyone will already be voting municipally here in Quebec - why not kill two birds with one stone?
mardi 16 juin 2009
Interesting times
The strategy was perfect. As several journalists have pointed out, this is a win-win situation for Liberals.
Win-Win Territory for Ignatieff Liberals
Carry the nasty
and my favorite, being a closet fan of Mackenzie King
Election if necessary, but not necessarily an election
Would love to be a fly on the wall at the Michael-Steve sit-down today...
Win-Win Territory for Ignatieff Liberals
Carry the nasty
and my favorite, being a closet fan of Mackenzie King
Election if necessary, but not necessarily an election
Would love to be a fly on the wall at the Michael-Steve sit-down today...
mardi 9 juin 2009
Notre approche...
Le mouvement séparatiste est en chute libre. D'après un sondage de La Presse-Angus Reid, 74% des québécois ne pensent pas qu'un jour le Québec se sépara du reste du Canada.
Nous avons aussi une population très divisée sur la question du partage des pouvoirs entre Ottawa et Québec - 32% croient que le statut-quo est acceptable, 30% veulent plus d'autonomie, et 28% croient en un Québec souverain, et donc n'accepteront aucun "juste milieu" sur la question.
Pour nous, libéraux fédéraux, il faut être flexible dans notre message. Comme nous ne pouvons pas avoir d'influence sur 28% de la population - les indépendantistes qui nous écouterons pas anyway - nous devons cibler le reste de la population.
Ignatieff a déja livré un message pour le 32% pro statut-quo.
C'est aux 30% "mous" qu'il faut parler maintenant. La question clef - comment?
Dans son discours à Montréal la semaine passée, Michael a déjà ouvert le dialogue avec eux:
Depuis trop longtemps les québécois sont sans voix forte au sein du gouvernement à Ottawa. Cette absence, sous forme de protestation avec le Bloc, a nuit au Québec dans la formulation des politiques fédérales. C'est en élisant des députés libéraux, c'est à dire des députés qui formeront le prochain gouvernement, que le Québec se donnera le plus de pouvoirs.
Michael continue:
D'après les derniers sondages, le Parti libéral du Canada a de fortes chances de former le prochain gouvernement. Un vote québécois pour le PLC, un PLC avec un gouvernement basé essentiellement dans l'est du pays, nous assure d'un caucus du Québec très fort et influent.
Si c'est le cas, un gouvernement libéral n'aurait d'autre choix que d'être à l'écoute des québécois, de ce 30%. Le message est pour eux; soyez à la table décisionnelle et les politiques sortantes seront construites en conséquence.
Just my 2 I enjoy the Conservative writhing in Ottawa ;)
Nous avons aussi une population très divisée sur la question du partage des pouvoirs entre Ottawa et Québec - 32% croient que le statut-quo est acceptable, 30% veulent plus d'autonomie, et 28% croient en un Québec souverain, et donc n'accepteront aucun "juste milieu" sur la question.
Pour nous, libéraux fédéraux, il faut être flexible dans notre message. Comme nous ne pouvons pas avoir d'influence sur 28% de la population - les indépendantistes qui nous écouterons pas anyway - nous devons cibler le reste de la population.
Ignatieff a déja livré un message pour le 32% pro statut-quo.
C'est aux 30% "mous" qu'il faut parler maintenant. La question clef - comment?
Dans son discours à Montréal la semaine passée, Michael a déjà ouvert le dialogue avec eux:
Je suis en train de rebâtir notre parti.
Et j'ai besoin des Québécois pour le faire.
D'abord, je rebâtis notre parti avec les Québécois.
Ensuite, je rebâtis notre pays avec les Québécois.
Parce que ce pays, c'est aussi celui des Québécois.
Les Québécois ont construit le Canada.
Ce pays porte votre marque.
Vous êtes les cofondateurs du Canada.
Les Québécois ont aidé à construire le Canada. Et aujourd'hui, nous devons nous préparer à le reconstruire.
Depuis trop longtemps les québécois sont sans voix forte au sein du gouvernement à Ottawa. Cette absence, sous forme de protestation avec le Bloc, a nuit au Québec dans la formulation des politiques fédérales. C'est en élisant des députés libéraux, c'est à dire des députés qui formeront le prochain gouvernement, que le Québec se donnera le plus de pouvoirs.
Michael continue:
Aux dernières élections, les Québécois ont protesté contre le gouvernement de droite de Stephen Harper et beaucoup de Québécois ont voté pour le Bloc Québécois.
Les Québécois ont protesté, mais Stephen Harper est encore là.
Protester est un choix.
Protester est un droit.
Mais protester n'est pas une solution.
Le Bloc Québécois n'est pas une solution pour un Québec et un Canada meilleurs.
Le Bloc Québécois n'est pas une solution pour se débarrasser de Stephen Harper.
Le Bloc Québécois n'est pas une solution pour un Canada qui sera véritablement la maison du Québec.
Il y a un autre choix.
Vous pouvez choisir entre protestation et construction, entre protestation et amélioration, entre protestation et implication.
Je vous invite à construire avec moi ce Canada meilleur.
D'après les derniers sondages, le Parti libéral du Canada a de fortes chances de former le prochain gouvernement. Un vote québécois pour le PLC, un PLC avec un gouvernement basé essentiellement dans l'est du pays, nous assure d'un caucus du Québec très fort et influent.
Si c'est le cas, un gouvernement libéral n'aurait d'autre choix que d'être à l'écoute des québécois, de ce 30%. Le message est pour eux; soyez à la table décisionnelle et les politiques sortantes seront construites en conséquence.
Just my 2 I enjoy the Conservative writhing in Ottawa ;)
mercredi 3 juin 2009
This and that...
Incompetence Part deux...and shows how Raitt and the Cons are playing politics with the health of Canadians.
No plan for Chalk River, no plan to solve the major health crisis facing Canadians.
L. Ian Macdonald continually comes to the defense of the Harperites. They are sounding more and more desperate, as I bet there is an internal bleeding of true Cons from their Party. Didn't a former Conservative PM say something along the lines of:
"You had an option, sir. You could have said, 'I am not going to do it. This is wrong for Canada, and I am not going to ask Canadians to pay the price.' You had an option, sir — to say 'no' — and you chose to say 'yes' to the old attitudes and the old stories of the Liberal Party. That sir, if I may say respectfully, that is not good enough for Canadians.
In a related event, yesterday in line at a local restaurant in Lennoxville, I was listen to three older fellows chatting.
"You hear how they are spending our money these days in Ottawa?"
"40 (sic) billion dollars bailing out GM and their pensions. Where were they for other pensions? Maybe now that we are owners of GM, we'll get discounts!"
I will be at this event tomorrow. Update Friday...
The CBC-Ekos poll is simply amazing for its size and depth of surveying. A couple of interesting results in Quebec:
1. Liberals are tied with the Bloc in female voting intentions in Quebec.
2. Seniors are the largest bloc of supporters for the Liberals, and we outpace the Bloc in this category by more than 2:1.
3. We have a lot of work to do with youth...we need a dream, a vision...and we need to make it interesting, and relevant...
No plan for Chalk River, no plan to solve the major health crisis facing Canadians.
L. Ian Macdonald continually comes to the defense of the Harperites. They are sounding more and more desperate, as I bet there is an internal bleeding of true Cons from their Party. Didn't a former Conservative PM say something along the lines of:
"You had an option, sir. You could have said, 'I am not going to do it. This is wrong for Canada, and I am not going to ask Canadians to pay the price.' You had an option, sir — to say 'no' — and you chose to say 'yes' to the old attitudes and the old stories of the Liberal Party. That sir, if I may say respectfully, that is not good enough for Canadians.
In a related event, yesterday in line at a local restaurant in Lennoxville, I was listen to three older fellows chatting.
"You hear how they are spending our money these days in Ottawa?"
"40 (sic) billion dollars bailing out GM and their pensions. Where were they for other pensions? Maybe now that we are owners of GM, we'll get discounts!"
I will be at this event tomorrow. Update Friday...
The CBC-Ekos poll is simply amazing for its size and depth of surveying. A couple of interesting results in Quebec:
1. Liberals are tied with the Bloc in female voting intentions in Quebec.
2. Seniors are the largest bloc of supporters for the Liberals, and we outpace the Bloc in this category by more than 2:1.
3. We have a lot of work to do with youth...we need a dream, a vision...and we need to make it interesting, and relevant...
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