vendredi 10 juillet 2009

Despicable part deux

Or rather incompetent. We have to get these guys out of government...embarassing...

On that note, you are all invited to my nomination meeting in Compton-Stanstead! July 22nd, from 7pm to 8pm, in Coaticook, QC. Restaurant le Coffret de l'imagination, 145 rue Michaud.

Bienvenue à tous!

mercredi 8 juillet 2009

A few questions for y'all

Q1 What is the record for the number of Con 10%ers you have recieved in a month?

Q2 How many of the Con MPs that "sent" you your 10%er have you ever heard of?

Q3 What is the cost of a 10% mailing to each riding (printing, postage and handling?)

vendredi 3 juillet 2009


I recieved one of these a couple of weeks ago, and couldn't have been more floored by the content. Yes, it does attack the Bloc and says nothing about the Libs, as one friend put it. But it is pure scare tactics - the worst of Conservative politics at its best. Simply awful and will do nothing to improve the image Quebecers have vis-à-vis Canadian politics.