mercredi 30 décembre 2009

Dear Her Excellency the Governor General

This is an urgent request regarding the decision by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to prorogue parliament today. If indeed he approaches you with this request, myself and many others believe that it it is in the best interest of the country that you refuse.

The decision to prorogue parliament at this time will not only stop important legislation, on both the government and opposition side, but shut down important committee work on issues such as Afghan detainees, infrastructure, and government finances.

Beyond simple partisan reasons (protecting the government from unwanted exposure in committee and in the House prior to the Olympics, moving to give the Government majorities on Senate committees), Parliament does not need to be prorogued.

The three months lost between now and March will not only halt all legislation in the House but will also shut-down public debate, an anti-democratic move, one that you should refuse.


William Hogg
Concerned citizen

jeudi 10 décembre 2009

Postal service in Canada's regions

I was happy to be in back in Ottawa yesterday for many reasons - meetings with the Quebec Caucus, National Caucus, OLO, QP, then Caucus Christmas Party.

But the best part of the day was when I learned that Michael released our plan to introduce a Rural Canadian Postal Service Charter to protect and restore rural home postal service, assure universality of postal service across the country, and assure that Canada Post expands its consultation with its clientele before making any changes to services in the future.

Rural communities and their businesses rely on effective postal service. It is a key part of our rural identity across the country.

I personally cringe every time I drive by one of those ugly new big brown mass mail box installations, and remember the struggle my parents undertook to try to overturn a decision to end service to their mail box (a box that I actually got for them years ago...)

Rural post offices are also a major part of small communities, acting as social, economic and political focal points. One of my tactics during the last campaign in the more isolated communities was to hit every post office, talk to the clerk. Who doesn't know the post-master in those communities???

Decisions over the past three years have put at risk this important symbol of Canada in our regional communities, and it has to stop.

Bravo to Michael and the caucus for taking the lead on this issue!

vendredi 4 décembre 2009

Coyne goes patriotic for Harper

Listening to the CBC At Issue panel last night, I was dismayed how quickly Coyne (and, shamefully, Hebert) fell in line with recent Ref-Con move towards unabashed patriotism as a political tool.

They scathingly criticized the leaders of the opposition parties for not supporting Harper vs. China. Seems that to them, when the PM goes overseas, politics is supposed to stop at the water's edge.


You mean Harper is not supposed to play politics while abroad?

Like he did at the G8 meetings in Italy?

Like he did when he went "patriotic" in the Caribbean?

Like he did when he released his stimulus update "over Siberia."

Should I go on?

After his "trash" piece earlier this week, I thought Coyne had started to see through the fog of Harper's so-called patriotism.

Guess not...