samedi 13 septembre 2008

Jour 7

Already one week! On ne lâche pas!
Today - Community Day in Stanstead. Stanstead is one of my favorite places to visit - down-to-earth folks who love their community! My kids had a great time on the rides, and got to meet a few new residents of the region.

Luckily it turned sunny, and there was a good turn-out!
Let's just say it was a miracle that I made it to Bishop's for the kick-off for the season opener. But made it none-the-less. All the notables were there - Mayor Jean Perreault from Sherbrooke, several town councillors, including Doug MaCauley from Lennoxville, the new Principal from Bishop's, Tim Belford from CBC Radio, among many others.

Ensuite, mon fils, ses amis et moi sommes partis poser des pancartes dans le coin de Rock Forest. En route, j'ai expliqué aux jeunes que oui, M. Duceppe, Mme. Bonsant et cie. sont mes adversaires politiques. Mais quand les enfants se sont montré agressifs envers eux, je leur ai dit que non, ce n'est pas comme ça qu'on fait de la politique - on n'attaque jamais la personne - on attaque leurs idées. Bonne leçon civique pour la journée!!!

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